Do you know the difference between taking credit cards and using bank drafts?
ePayments in Jackrabbit encompasses both the use of credit cards and ACH payments or bank drafts. It’s important to know how each one behaves in Jackrabbit.
When you process a credit card in Jackrabbit, you will know immediately whether the funds have been approved or declined. If approved, the money will be in your bank account in just a few days.
When you process a bank draft in Jackrabbit, the transaction will always come back as approved. This, however, does not mean the funds will actually be approved. There is not a two-way communication with Jackrabbit and the gateway for bank drafts. To confirm actual approval, it will require that you watch your bank account and/or run reports in your Virtual Terminal. If the funds were declined, you should receive an email from your gateway stating this. You will need to manually update Jackrabbit and contact the associated family for payment. Actual deposit of funds can take 5-7 business days.
Harriett Giglio depends on ePayments for most of Courthouse Gymnastics’ credit card processing. “We require either Checking or Credit Card on our registrations. The majority of our customers enter Credit Cards. We do like getting our money faster from credit cards. Getting notification immediately if a card is declined lets us notify the customer right away. We require them to bring Cash within 3 days for the declined draft amount plus a declined fee.”
Melissa Hawrylyshyn notes that “ePayments have increased our ability to process recreational and competitive program transactions with ease and efficiency.” She notes the operational efficiencies this enables at East York Gymnastics. “Prior to ePayments, clients waited weeks for our staff to manually process credit card transactions. Now, mass ePayments can capture specific groups of clients and process all with a few simple clicks…Brilliant!!”